A Fitness Instructor's Christmas List

christmas gifts kettlebell Dec 12, 2020

You've been good all year, and it's finally time to send your list to Santa. Being the fitness lover you are, it's no surprise that 80% of your list is fitness-related! You could even argue that weighted blanket you're eyeing will help with post-run leg compression, ha!

Here's the top things on my list this year. This year I've taught thousands of minutes of classes both in the studio and at-home. These are the items that  got me through and left a smile on my face! 


1. Kettlebell Gains Apparel - This is the newcomer to the list. As a Kettlebell instructor, what's taken me so long to try them? The world may never know. One thing is clear - they make awesome Kettlebell apparel that the KB world goes bananas over and that promotes strong women. Please picture you wrapped up in this sweater ($40)or in this tank ($26) swinging some heavy A$$ ShXt in the gym. 


Tank $26, Sweater $40 | Check them out! 


2. Nuun Hydration - *Stocking Stuffer Alert*  If I came out of season 40 of survivor dying of thirst and was asked what I waned to drink, I'd ask for a strawberry-lemonade Nuun tablet, periodT. I got into these when I was training for my marathon. Then, 305 Fitness, the studio I worked at back in pre-COVID days, supplied them for instructors to drink during class. Classes were insanely fun and sweaty full-out dancing - these tablets felt god-sent after losing so much sweat. That's why I recommend them to all fitness lovers. Fxk the sugary sports drinks (you know which one) and get on board! 

PS In full transparency, Nuun has a lot of flavors going on. I would be doing a disservice if I didn't tell you ... I ignore ALL of them and only buy the SPORT strawberry-lemonade. I buy this shxt 10 at a time. It's the best flavor IMO. Lime is a runner up

Price $7 | Get yours here

3. New running shoes - this is a bbit like asking for socks, kinda boring but necessary. One of the biggest problems runners find is not switching out their shoes every few months and their knees starting to hurt. This is the same if you do dance cardio as well. Go ahead, lace up with some new kicks in 2021. Personally, I swear by my Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 36  Women's Running Shoe (version 37 as of 2020). She's ms. reliable. 

product image

$120 | check it out!


4.  305 Fitness Apparel - I am queen of the biker shorts. I'm a little sad I discovered them so late in life, or maybe it's that it took me that long to not give 1 FxK about if people thought I should be wearing booty shorts or something that doesn't make my already big thighs look bigger. Honestly - biker shorts are life changing. When asked about my cutest pairs, I ALWAYS say 305 fitness. Now, I have literally no skin in the game here, and it's even confusing AF to me how a studio that specializes in dance, not in fitness apparel, somehow makes better biker shorts than literally every fitness brand I've tried (I've tried them all). Rumor is that 305 has some new items coming THIS Monday December 14th! Hunny, I'd just book mark the site. 

Prices vary ~$50 | Check it out

Runner up for Biker Shorts  - Colorful Koala comes in at just $20. I was told to try these by my cousin who is much younger and cooler than I am ....for $20 they absolutely made my list! Check it out!


5. Workout Gear - I'm lumping all the equipment I asked for together hehe. I will say there were 2 stages to building out my at home gym, kettlebells and gym mats. If you haven't gotten a Kettlebell yet, I'm always happy to help you choose the perfect one to take home. Just holler on IG. Without further ado, my new addition will be: 

TRX - ($169) - Check it out!
Do your workouts have pulls in them? 2 of the 7 movement patterns are push-pull. We spend SOOOO much time pushing (push-ups, overhead presses, bench presses) and not a lot pulling (Rows, TRX rows, pull ups). Because home gyms usually lack a pull up bar or TRX - the only option is a regular old can be really difficult to spice it up after 8 months of Quarantine... 
Enter in your pull up bar or TRX! At my parents house I *hope* santa brings the TRX . At my studio in NY I have a pull up bar. If you are new to pull ups - you can perform bodyweight negative pullups and even just active bar hangs! If you want to use some assistance - grab a wodfitters pull-up band and start practicing all the time! 
6. Air Fryer - It's not all about working out. Don't worry, I think I would just quit the fitness industry if I said something like, "abs are made in the kitchen." Food, cooking, nutrition, fuels your body to do more. It is one of the most complicated relationships humans have because we love food, and sometimes we can't get enough. I've absolutely learned to slow down and enjoy cooking having ample time to work from home....BUT I'm still queen of, can you make it quick, easy, and I know what's in my dinner? Enter the air fryer! 
I am dreaming of airfrying some amazing cauliflower.
Now, I did have to think long and hard about asking for this, so that I didn't repeat the Instapot Flop of 2018 (Where I asked for an instapot, was emotionally scared and terrified of the thing, realized it just left everything wet, and the kicker - took 10 minutes to heat up (UGH thats 20-30 minutes I could've just put the chicken in the freaking pan).
Nope I did my homework. The airfryer is going to be a success. 
Air Fryer- check it out!
7. Kettlebell Training - Train with me and learn kettlebells! This January, I'm taking 6 people in a small virtual group from little to no previous bells experience and they are going to come out looking super solid with their bell fundamentals! 
The Kettlebell Bootcamp - a 4 week intimate intensive to learn kettlebells runs from Monday Jan 4th - Sunday 31st. We are going to have so much fun! Spots are flying  so grab yours soon!
The Kettlebell Army - a membership that provides you with 4 workouts per week over Truecoach App so that you can make bells a consistent part of your lifestyle and share your overall wellness ups &downs with our kettlebell community on Slack. I will be your coach and guide inside the monthly membership.
$247/month | check it out!
Runners Up: 
I couldn't write a paragraph about EVERYTHING but here are some things that deserve the spotlight. They are a little more niche, but could ABSOLUTELY change your workout from home world. 
3. Monitor - Having trouble getting into your workouts? Yeah, cus who can see on a small dual screen. I bought a monitor for this and it alternates between my workout desk and the garage where I take/teach classes! Portable and easy

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