Before stepping into my role as a coach, I was just like you—a fitness enthusiast. And let me tell you, nothing bugged me more than workout websites that left you guessing about what you're actually signing up for. So, even though you'll get a firsthand look as soon as you submit your email, I believe in full transparency. Here’s the lowdown on what a typical Bedoya Bells session feels like......
Every class is a full-body workout. We kick things off with a thorough warm-up, weaving through mobility drills, corrective exercises, and getting your heart rate up with some dynamic movements. What comes next? A burst of power work to get those muscles fired up. Then, we dive into the bread & butter of our session— strength training. Time permitting, we collectively push through a finisher, then hit a cool-down to cap off a solid 60 minutes of pure badassery. high five
Hear from BB Members:
& first-time class takers:
Ready to swing into fun? 🎉
Drop your name and email below and let’s get this kettlebell party started!